Friday, April 26, 2013

An All New Peggy

What a crazy six months! After blowing out a knee at work, I've learned how to walk smoothly again, survived a company acquisition, had several bouts of illness, and took a giant leap to be fitted with braces on my teeth. In many ways, I feel like I'm teetering on the edge of an all new me, yet at any moment I might plumment to the bottom and splatter in a zillion different directions.

I have continued to write, however, just left the blogging world behind for awhile. I'm already a quarter of the way through a new novel which is pouring out of me like rainwater from a water spout. It is such a good feeling to create on a daily basis, especially a story that is so close to my heart. I'm calling it The Soft Season, and I hope to finish the first draft by the end of the year.

In another realm, I haven't sent out the book I finished last year yet. I will, I promise. But I have some tweaking to do on in that world first before I allow others to partake.

I've also created and launched my new website. Please stop by for a visit and send me your feedback. I hope to soon provide author videos explaining the writing techniques my colleagues use and give insight to the genres they have chosen in their field.

Now that I'm back to Fragrance of Thought, I hope to present a different feel to this blog. Not only did I redesign the page, but I want to broaden the scope of my content also. I'll still write about the techniques of writing, but I want to occasionally veer off a tad, write about things of which I feel passionate.

See, I am presenting a new me; I still haven't gone over the edge. It's exciting and scary at the same time, but as the saying goes, it's all good.  I just hope the next six months aren't as eventful as the last. I'd really like to finish this year's novel and get on to the next.


Anonymous said...

Welcome back! We missed you!

Demitria said...

With everything you have been through you kept your head up high! Here's to a new you :)

Peggy Shumway said...

Thanks, ladies. I appreciate your kind words.

Bonnee Crawford said...

Good to have you back in the blogosphere :) I'd love to hear more about your writing and things you are passionate in alike. Best of luck finishing your new book for the year and hoping for your good health!

Peggy Shumway said...

Thanks, Bonnie. Right now my writing passions lie in a 1932 California farming community where a stranger comes to visit and changes a family in ways they can't even imagine. The story is based on an event that my great grandmother experienced many years ago.

G.M. said...

I saw on Bonnee's log that you are back, so came to say hello and now will check your new website. There are more than a few agents who will be interested in reading your 1932 California farming. It's part of American history and very different from most of the books out there.

Peggy Shumway said...

I hope some agents will be interested. I am so thrilled to write this one. And thanks for stopping in, Giora.